Advantage and disadvatage of globalization

Posted by Minh Tu Nhãn:

Globalization is getting more and more effect to our life. It's quite easy to see its advantages. Basically, Globalization means no barriers. So labors, goods, information, technology, capital even culture can travel all over the world and stay with anyone who needs them and uses them effectively no matter where they are. And the beautiful thing is that the bond between nations becomes tighter. It means the likelihood of open war gets reduction and global issues like warming or terror have more help to be handled. Besides, globalization brings to us really hard competition. On one side, it's good. It's a premise for development. But on the other side, it is taking away job insurance along with stable life. It's one of globalization disadvantages. And another one is what we have had chance to witness. It's recent Great Crisis. In the time of globalization, the more we are in, the more influence we gets from a nation's disruption. Also civil war, rising gap between rich and poor and so on is blamed for it. But i think globalization is a process which needs time to be improved.

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